Friday, June 11, 2010

Agent Update

I've been trying to get an agent for about three months or so. I've had a lot of nos, some that didn't reply back, a few nice rejections, and one agent who read my entire manuscript before, sigh, rejecting it. Then I got a couple more rejections with feedback. This is good.

What was a bit worrisome in my case was that two agents said the same thing: loved your voice, didn't like the story premise. Well, they don't actually say "don't like," they say "I can't get as excited about the premise as I need to be."

So anyway, I was thinking so I can write. Big deal. My story sucks. Then today I got another rejection from an agent I really really wanted. He had feedback. Can you guess? Wait for it...

Loved the premise, "less excited about your voice." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

That was a maniacal laugh. Seriously, that made me feel better. Once again, "good" or sellable is in the eye of the beholder.

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