Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The Indiana Horror Anthology is now available on Amazon!! I’m so excited to be included. (My story is Networks.) It’s always wonderful to be published, even better in an INDIANA book.

I love my home…can you tell? I didn’t always. India-No-Place. Hicksville. I thought the coasts were more glam. Hipper. Close to the ocean which I adore. I only appreciated Indiana’s quiet beauty and quirkiness when I grew older.

And what is more quintessential Indiana than the State Fair? My husband and I go every year. He loves the farm animals. I love watching the people. We both love the food. The fair is a microcosm of Indiana: farm folk and city slickers co-mingle eating fried cheese and elephant ears, listening to rockabilly overlaid with raucous 80’s rock.

I’ve heard east coast people describe Indiana dwellers as bland. West Coasters have been known to call us dull. Maybe we are. But we are also something else.

Gary and I were tip-toeing through mounds of poo behind the cow pavilion when we heard a wait, wait! We turned. There was a freckled face girl, her pigtails swinging, holding up a twenty dollar bill. You dropped this, she said to Gary.

A little later on we passed the make shift memorial to the five people killed when a stage collapsed last Saturday. We sat across from the mound of flowers, cards, and stuffed animals, watching people add their own gifts. Some held hands. Others bowed their heads. Everyone who passed stopped talking, if only for a moment.

That’s my Indiana.

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