Monday, March 15, 2010

St. Patrick's Day (Almost)

Despite my Irish name, I am not. But I do have a deep appreciation for Ireland's fey, including leprechauns. I find them so mischievous, holding out the promise of riches if you catch them, but often as not that fairy gold turning to leaves or moss once you have obtained it. These creatures play upon our greed and remind us that perhaps it’s the journey that's important; a rainbow quest is always better than treasures.

I think that is true with my writing. I have goals. Lots of them. But sometime goals get in the way of me enjoying the here and now. I love to create stories. I love knowing other people enjoy them. I especially love if someone sees themselves or long held beliefs differently because of something I've written.

These things are all true despite the fact I've never published with a huge publishing house nor do I yet have an agent. Do I want these things? Yes. Will I be happier when I achieve them?

Probably not.

Goals are fleeting. If you're like me, as soon as you accomplish one you immediately set another. This is not a character flaw. Without ambition, I would never have gotten where I am with my writing…or my life.

But I do have to be careful. Planning for the future is good. Living there is not. Like that search for a rainbow and the obligatory pot of gold, it's the journey that's important, because that's where your life really is.

So. Today while I am thinking about that agent who is reading my book (yea!), working on my next story, and doing all my chores, I will make sure that I gaze upon the magical melting surface of my lake at least once.

Perhaps in the morning mist I will see a leprechaun. Even if I'm not Irish.

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